Getting started
- Declare an URL scheme for your app, preferably just for importing files. Use an unique URL scheme, it’s very important! Don’t use URL schemes like
, try to include the name of your app, for example: myApp-pisth-import
- Include the Pisth_API framework and Pisth_Shared: Drag the
Pisth API
and Pisth Shared
projects to your workspace and add them to your app’s embedded binary.
- Add this to your
Opening Pisth APT connection
let pisthAPT = PisthAPT(urlScheme: URL(string: "pisth-api://")! /* This app's URL Scheme */)
let connection = RemoteConnection(host: "", username: "pisthtest", password: "pisth", name: "Pisth Test", path: "~", port: 22, useSFTP: false, os: "Raspbian")
- Now, open the connection calling connection)
and check if Pisth APT is installed with pisthAPT.canOpen
Importing files from Pisth
- Configure the
let pisth = Pisth(message: nil /* Default message */, urlScheme: URL(string: "pisth-api://")! /* This app URL scheme */)
- Handle data received in your App delegate:
import Pisth_API
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
// Getting data received
// Getting received file name
- Now, start importing file calling
. Check if Pisth is installed with pisth.canOpen